If there's a concern, it's your concern
08 Jan 2022Aspect-oriented programming is still a fairly popular programming tool. The idea is to reduce the coupling, and increase the modularity, of programs by providing “aspects” to handle “cross-cutting concerns” separately, rather than intermingling these concerns with each other and with a program’s specific business logic. The problem with this approach is that cross-cutting concerns, in the way required by aspect-oriented programming, are vanishingly rare.
To see this, it’s instructive to look at one of the earliest papers on AOP. The motivating example is an image processing program, where an operation on an image is built up from a series of filters. In a (non-aspect oriented) implementation, each filter could be a function which takes in an image and returns the new, filtered image. However, this has the problem that it creates an intermediate image for each filter, which uses more memory than necessary. This could be avoided by fusing some of the filters. For example, if one filter lightens each pixel, and another filter sets each pixel to black or white depending on a cutoff, we don’t need to create an intermediate image from the operation of the first filter and pass it to the second, instead, we could apply both pixel-based operations at once, and produce only one resulting image.
However, if we were to implement this fusion manually, we would need to manually interleave the functionality of the filters, which is less re-usable and harder to understand than a system built out of independent filters. The authors propose, instead, an aspect-oriented system in which the program is expressed as a graph of independent filters, but is then processed to fuse operations where it is possible to do so. The cross-cutting concern of efficiency is thus handled separately from the transformation which the program implements.
This is indeed a compelling example of the advantages of aspect-oriented programming, but its worth looking into the specifics of this case that make it work. The problem is that there is a clear why of expressing what the program does, but that clear expression does not provide the best (most efficent) description of how that should be done; aspect-oriented programming provides a way to specify the what and the how separately. The “what”, handled by the conventional program, is also known as the functional requirements; the “how”, the cross-cutting concern handled by aspect-oriented programming, by contrast, are called non-functional requirements. This specific case is more generally true - aspect-oriented programming is useful for non-functional requirements, but inappropriate for functional requirements.
That aspects should be used to handle non-functional requirements is implied by the authors’ description of aspect-oriented programming as a procedure to handle cases which aren’t well handled by functional decomposition. By this they primarily mean, cases that aren’t handled well by decomposition into functions/procedures; but the point of functional decomposition is that a program is decomposed along functional lines, that is, decomposing programs into functions is effective because what the program does can be described by a composition of what individual functions do. Functional decomposition is fundamentally about functional requirements. But this connection between functional decomposition and functional requirements makes me skeptical of the authors’ claim that:
Aspects tend not to be units of the system’s functional decomposition, but rather to be properties that affect the performance or semantics of the components in systemic ways.
More specifically, I have a problem with the idea that aspects are an appropriate way of modifying the semantics of a component. The point of aspects is to handle cross-cutting concerns separately, rather than intermingling them with business logic; which means that when we look at the business logic we won’t see any of the code that handles the cross-cutting concern; which in turn means that the the business logic should be indifferent to the cross-cutting concern, otherwise you’re setting yourself up for confusion when the business logic starts doing something you’re not expecting because of an aspect which isn’t visible anywhere in the business code. This is called “obliviousness of application” - the aspects must be defined such that the business logic can be oblivious to their existence.
My contention is that almost none of the cases where aspect-oriented programming is used exhibit this obliviousness.1 The first example in the AOP paper, discussed above, is a good case for AOP, because the semantics of the program aren’t changed by the aspect. The second example in the paper, however, is less persuasive. This example concerns a library catalogue system intended to run in a distributed fashion, where some lookups will need to contact an external system; the aspect modifies method calls to implement this communication across systems. This is not a case where the business logic can be oblivious to the aspect. Network communication is a fundamental design consideration, and any function that involves it needs to be aware of when remote communication is and isn’t happening. Hiding this behind an aspect is simply a recipe for confusing and unreliable software.2
Or consider other common uses of aspect-oriented programming, logging and transaction handling (the original AOP paper doesn’t mention transactions, but does mention cross-thread synchronoization, to which similar considerations apply). Again, in neither case can code be oblivious to these considerations, so aspect-oriented programming is not appropriate. For logging, the knowledge about what conditions and information are important is something that only the code being executed can be aware of. Likewise, whether or not code is executed transactionally is vitally important to the code; indeed it may be that an algorithm has a transactional structure that is internal to it (that is, it’s composed of multiple transactions).
Overwhelmingly if a concern applies to your code, it’s your concern. You can avoid your own code getting too tangled up in the implementation of that concern using standard modularization techniques (like, functions). But a programming paradigm that encourages you to pretend that that concern doesn’t exist is a recipe for failure.
It turns out my objection is not original; see, for instance, Steimann’s to my mind definitive takedown of AOP from 2006. ↩
As Tenenbaum and van Renesse put it:
It is our contention that a large number of things may now go wrong due to the fact that RPC tries to make remote procedure calls look exactly like local ones, but is unable to do it perfectly. Many of the problems can be solved by modifying the code is various ways, but then the transparency is lost. Once we admit that true transparency is impossible, and that programmers must know which calls are remote and which ones are local, we are faced with the question of whether a partially transparent mechanism is really better than one that was designed specifically for remote access and makes no attempt to make remote computations look local at all.