Writing a redis clone in Haskell for some goddamn reason
08 Jul 2023I’ve played around a little bit with Haskell, but the closest I’ve got to doing something serious with it is writing a relational algebra interpreter (which I did use to do some homework for a databases class, so I guess that’s genuine practical success). I thought it would be interesting to try and write something practical, and for some reason I decided to write a redis clone. On the one hand, redis provides data structures and various operations on them, we seems right in Haskell’s wheelhouse. On the other, redis exposes these data structures over a network connection, which is precisely the sort of messy IO Haskell sweeps under a carpet (or monad). So it seems like an interesting option to learn how Haskell might fare in the real world.
A key-value store
Starting with the more obviously Haskelly part of redis, the key-value store. redis uses plain ASCII strings as keys:
type Key = ByteString
Redis stores various different data structures, so values need to be a sum type:
data Value = StringValue ByteString | IntValue Int
newtype Store = Store (Map Key Value)
That’s enough for an initial implementation that supports basic get/put and increment/decrement operations. In redis, get and put operations always work in terms of strings, so we need to be able to put strings, and retrieve strings (converted from ints, if necessary):
lookupString :: Store -> Key -> Maybe ByteString
lookupString (Store m) k = case lookup k m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (StringValue s) -> Just s
Just (IntValue i) -> Just $ intToByteString i
insertString :: Store -> Key -> ByteString -> Store
insertString (Store m) k s = Store $ insert k (StringValue s) m
Increment and decrement, on the other hand, work on integers, converting a string to an integer if necessary. As not all strings represent integers, the increment and decrement operations are fallible; they need to be able to return an error if the string can’t be converted to an integer.
data Error = BadType
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Result a = Either Error a
lookupInt :: Store -> Key -> Result (Maybe Int)
lookupInt (Store m) k = case lookup k m of
Nothing -> Right Nothing
Just (IntValue i) -> Right i
Just (StringValue s) -> case byteStringToInt s of
Nothing -> Left BadType
Just i -> Right i
insertInt :: Store -> Key -> Int -> Store
insertInt (Store m) k i = Store $ insert k (IntValue i) m
incr :: Store -> Key -> (Store, Result Int)
incr store@(Store m) k = case lookupInt k m of
Left e -> (store, Left e)
Right value ->
let res = (fromMaybe 0 value) + 1
in (insertInt store k res, Right res)
decr :: Store -> Key -> (Store, Result Int)
decr store@(Store m) k = case lookupInt k m of
Left e -> (store, Left e)
Right value ->
let res = (fromMaybe 0 value) - 1
in (insertInt store k res, Right res)
Another feature of redis, however, calls for a rethinking of this model. Redis
allows setting an expiration time for a key; if the expiration time has passed,
looking up the key acts as if it has never been set. This makes lookup more
complicated in two respects: lookup needs to have access to the current time,
and lookup, which up to know has not modified the store, may now need to remove
a key if the expiry time has passed. We can modify the Store
easily enough to
add the expiry time as some metadata:
data Entry = {
value :: Value,
expiry :: Maybe UTCTime
newtype Store = Map Key Entry
More complicated is modifying the operations to handle expiring entries. This
could be implemented by always passing down the current time to every operation,
and always returning a (potentially) modified store from each operation. To my
mind, though, this is not an optimal solution, because the implementation of the
operation doesn’t need to know about the current time (it just needs to pass it
down to the lookup); and a (conceptually) non-modifying operation like get
shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not the lookup will modify the store.
Luckily, Haskell has a way to handle these kinds of irrelevant details: monads.
When implementing the get
operation, we want to think in terms of function
with the signature Key -> Value
, but we need to add something else to the
signature to handle the details which, from the point of view of the function
itself, are irrelevant (the current time and the potential state modification).
Rather than exposing these details directly in the function signature (UTCTime
-> Key -> (Value, Store)
), we can encapsulate them in a monad. Actually, we
need two monads, Reader
(which supplies a value), and State
encapsulates state modification), which we can combine like:
type StoreM = ReaderT UTCTime (State Store)
Then we can write get
in a way that is mostly indifferent to the monad:
get :: Key -> StoreM (Maybe ByteString)
get k = do
maybeValue <- lookupValue k
return $ fmap maybeValue (\case
IntValue i -> intToByteString i
StringValue s -> s
, on the other hand, has to be aware of the details within the
monad in order to handle expiry:
lookupValue :: Key -> StoreM (Maybe Value)
lookupValue k = do
(Store m) <- get -- access the value in the `State` monad
now <- ask -- access the value in the `Reader` monad
case lookup k m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just entry -> case expiry entry of
Nothing -> return $ Just (value entry)
Just expiryTime
| now < expiryTime -> return $ Just (value e)
| otherwise -> do
-- update the value in the `State` monad
-- to remove the expired entry
put $ Store (M.delete k m)
return Nothing
The other end of the process, where the operations on the store are run, also needs to be aware of the monadic details, passing in the current time and retrieving the updated store, which can be done with:
runStoreM :: Store -> UTCTime -> StoreM a -> (a, Store)
runStoreM store now m = runState (runReaderT m now) store
There are some additional complications for the updating functions, which have
to deal with either clearing the expiry time (for the normal set
setting a new expiry time (for the set with expiration operation), or retaining
the current expiry time (for incr
and decr
), but I’ll gloss over these.
A network protocol
Redis exposes this key-value store over the network; the first part of this, the network protocol, plays to another of Haskell’s strengths: it’s a parser. Even better, it’s two parsers, one which parses a stream of bytes into general data structures (strings, ints, arrays, etc), and one which parses the resulting arrays into redis commands. Redis uses a text-based protocol called RESP, and a good choice for parsing this kind of thing is the attoparsec library, which is intended to be an efficient parser for byte-oriented formats. The RESP protocol is fairly straightforward, consisting of a small number of types:
data Resp
= SimpleString ByteString
| Error ByteString
| Integer Int
| BulkString ByteString
| Array [Resp]
| NullString
To distinguish between types, each value starts with a single byte representing the type (a sigil), followed by the data for the value. A parser for this general format can be represented as:
valueParser :: (a -> Resp) -> Word8 -> Parser a -> Parser Resp
valueParser constructor sigil parser = constructor <$> (word8 sigil *> p)
That is, it matches a single byte, which must be the sigil value, ignores it
with *>
, matches the supplied parser, and then maps the supplied constructor
over the result.
The SimpleString
type is represented by a +
followed by a CRLF terminated
crlf = string "\r\n"
crlfTerminated = takeTill (== _cr)
simpleStringParser = valueParser SimpleString _plus crlfTerminated <* crlf
The Integer
type is similar, but starts with a $
and is followed by a crlf
terminated string of digits.
magnitudeParser :: Parser Int
magnitudeParser = fromJust . word8ArrayToInt <$> many1 (satisfy isDigit)
numberParser :: Parser Int
numberParser = do
sign <- optional (word8 _hyphen)
magnitude <- magnitudeParser
return $ if isJust sign then -magnitude else magnitude
integerParser :: Parser Resp
integerParser = valueParser Integer _colon numberParser <* crlf
A BulkString
is signified by a $
and, unlike a SimpleString
, includes the
length of the string before the actual string value (this means it can be read
more efficiently, all at once, rather than having to check for a delimiter
character by character). This makes the parser slightly more complicated, but it
can re-use the magnitudeParser
for reading the length:
bulkStringParser :: Parser Resp
bulkStringParser =
( do
len <- magnitudeParser <* crlf
P.take len <* crlf
The RESP protocol also has the concept of a NullString
, used, like NULL, to
indicate that there is not available value. This is represented using the same
format as a BulkString
, but with a length of -1
; as such, it can be parsed
nullStringParser :: Parser Resp
nullStringParser =
(const NullString)
(word8 _hyphen >> word8 _1 >> crlf)
(This means there are two parsers which attempt to consume a string starting
with $
; however, the attoparsec
library will backtrack if it encounters,
or doesn’t encounter the minus sign in -1
, so will choose the correct parser
on that basis).
An Array
works similarly, prefixed with a count of elements; but, whereas each
element of a BulkString
is a character, each element of an Array
is another
RESP value. Luckily, Haskell’s lazy nature makes recursive parsers easy to write:
arrayParser :: Parser Resp
arrayParser =
( do
len <- magnitudeParser <* crlf
count len respParser
here is the parser for any RESP value, which we haven’t implemented
yet, but can now do so, simply as a choice between the different parsers we have
respParser :: Parser Resp
respParser =
<|> errorParser
<|> integerParser
<|> bulkStringParser
<|> nullStringParser
<|> arrayParser
All the redis commands are represented as RESP arrays of strings, which, for ease of processing can be converted to a list of ByteStrings:
extract :: Resp -> Maybe [ByteString]
extract (Array parts) = traverse (\case BulkString s -> Just s; _ -> Nothing) parts
extract _ = Nothing
(I’m once again reminded of how convenient it is to have traverse
convert a
list of things to a thing of a list, and sad it’s not in available in more
All redis commands start with the command name, and in most cases this is
followed by a fixed number of arguments with the meaning determined by their
position, as in GET key
, SET key value
, etc. These are easy to parse with
pattern matching. The SET
command also has some additional possible arguments,
like NX
to specify no overwrite, or EX n
to set an expiry time, and these
can appear anywhere in the argument list, so can’t be matched with a simple
pattern. I have cleverly dealt with these parameters by not implementing them,
which is not as much as a limitation as it might be, as redis has separate
(although deprecated) commands which are easier to pass (SETNX
respectively). So my limited parser can be implemented as:
parse :: Resp -> Either CommandError Command
parse resp = case extract resp of
Just ["SET", k, v] -> Right . Set $ SetArgs k v
Just ["GET", k] -> Right . Get $ GetArgs k
Just ["SETNX", k, v] -> Right . SetNx $ SetArgs k v
Just ["SETEX", k, d, v] -> case byteStringToInt d of
Nothing -> Left $ ArgParseError d "number"
Just i ->
let duration = secondsToNominalDiffTime $ fromIntegral i
in Right . SetEx $ SetExArgs k duration v
Just ["INCR", k] -> Right . Incr $ IncrArgs k
Just ["DECR", k] -> Right . Decr $ DecrArgs k
_ -> Left CommandParseError
A server
So, now we have a data store and a parser to read commands to execute against this store. All we need for a complete redis is to expose this protocol over the network. This seems like the part that would be trickiest for Haskell, as it’s inherently about I/O and side effects, rather than being pure. Even here, however, we can largely describe the problem in pure terms. A redis server reads a stream of bytes, parses them to produce a stream of commands, applies these commands to the data store to produce a stream of results, serializes these results to a stream of bytes, and writes them out. This kind of looks like composing functions and mapping them over a stream, except for the reading and writing and modifying the store in response to commands.1
Haskell has a number of libraries for expressing side-effecting programs by
composing operations on streams; I chose to use
Conduit, in part because it has
two convenient facilites: one for setting up a TCP server and then treating each
connection as a series of stream operations, and another for applying
parsers as stream operations. Using this functionality, the server
looks like:
(serverSettings 6379 "*")
( \app ->
runConduit $
appSource app
.| respParse
.| C.mapM (processCommand appState)
.| respWrite
.| appSink app
does the main work, setting up a server that listens for
connections. When a connection is made, it calls the supplied function with a
parameter containing two streams, one for input and another for output. All my
program needs to do is join these streams together with a pipeline that parses
input (respParse
), executes commands (mapping the processCommand
over the stream), serialising the result (respWrite
While this only implements a tiny fraction of redis functionality, it is enough
to run the redis-benchmark
tool for those commands it supports:
Command | Requests/second |
GET | 30432 |
SET | 29481 |
INCR | 16770 |
Running against a real redis server on the same machine gives the following benchmarks:
Command | Requests/second |
GET | 104712 |
SET | 103626 |
INCR | 104493 |
So my tiny haskell redis clone runs at about a third of the speed of real redis (for GET and SET; about a 6th of the speed for INCR, perhaps because INCR has to both get and set). While I would be hard pressed to call this “good” performance, I’m still kind of pleased that an unoptimised haskell implementation isn’t worse. If you’re equally easily impressed, the full source code is on GitHub
The real redis also includes commands to subscribe to a channel, receiving notifications when messages are published to that channel. This doesn’t fit the request/response pattern, so would need to be handled in a more complicated way, possibly similar to how this async chat server works. ↩